coast at Crescent City, which is over 9000 miles away from the epicenter
Crescent City Tsunami
10 people perished in Crescent City, California. (The tsunami even
Crescent City, California, caused by November 2006 tsunami.
California coastline, but were particularly high from Crescent City to
Crescent City Tsunami - 1964. 1:06. After the magnitude 8.6 Good Friday
Twenty-four tsunamis have caused damage in the United States and its
Tsunami hits Crescent City / Series of 5- to 6-foot surges wrecks docks,
The highest runup on the United States was at Crescent City, California.
Wave height distribution around Crescent City and Del Norte County from the
Crescent City Tsunami Warning, Waves of a tsunami triggered by a
Crescent City Tsunami - 1964. 1:06. After the magnitude 8.6 Good Friday
For excellent video footage of the tsunami washing through the harbor at
Crescent City was evacuated far ahead of the tsunami.
News at- -Tsunami Crescent City CA Japan earthquake 3
The tsunami that struck Crescent City, California, on April 25, 1992,
News at- -Crescent City Tsunami March 11 2011 runway
What is the International Tsunami Warning System(ITWS)?
Crescent City Tsunami
Boat damage from tsunami in Crescent City