Facebook Icons for Chat
Facebook-icons in 20 Excellent Facebook Scripts and Resources
The original interface of Facebook Chat allows a limited number of emoticons

A list of Facebook chat emoticons
Toolbar for sites today Ltpackmanyou make facebook chat gain access to fast
Meaning of green dot & half moon icon in Chat box
facebook-icons.png. Wasting ten minutes to leaf through holiday photos
facebook chat emoticons

facebook icons for facebook is to commenters Facebook+icons+for+chat
Facebooks Emoticons tend to be little, snappy small icons/images and this
Social Icons. Community, Facebook, Twitter, Blog, Twitter, Chat, Share,

Facebook chat icons are a nice way to make your chat more interesting and

Smiley is the emoticon icon
It allows users to chat with each other from 123 Web Messenger's interface
In the Facebook chat, one gets to use a variety of emotion icons (better
Smilies and Icons in Messenger · How to Add or Use Facebook ( Fb ) Chat
Pidgin-Facebook-Chat. This is pretty straight forward yet awesome!
new-facebook-chat-icons It would appear as if Facebook has begun to roll out
Facebook Icons For Chat Blog. Author: Thaddeus Nolani
Not all icons work in all browsers · Facebook Chat FYI