2-year-old Indonesian boy cuts down smoking to 15 cigarettes

Remember this two year old toddler from Indonesia?
In this podcast we discuss the smoking baby from Indonesia, 3D P**n,
Parents of smoking baby from Indonesia speak out : News : ValleyCentral.com
This Is Bad Parenting: The Smoking Baby of Indonesia

smoking baby indonesia vidio indonesian baby smoking
The “smoking baby” was introduced to the habit by his father. Indonesia has
Here's video of the kid smoking like a champ after the jump…
Me Me, with the smoking baby, Denpasar, Indonesia
This baby in Indonesia smokes two packs of cigarettes a day.
Hot on the heels of the smoking baby in Indonesia comes a report of a baby
Post image for Smoking Indonesian Baby Kicks The Habit
source: http://www.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/asiapcf/05/31/indonesia.smoking.baby/
Sadie Stein — Chain-Smoking Baby Down To 1 (Maybe 2) Packs A Day
By now you've heard of the 2-year old baby in Indonesia who smokes up to 2
Up Close With Aldi Suganda The Smoking Baby (Video)
CBS Dispatched News Crew To Find Indonesian Smoking Baby
Ardi Rizal, the Indonesian smoking baby, gives up habit
The family is filming the smoking baby and smiling.. Indonesia must be a fun
The famous shocking videos of a baby in Indonesia who smokes (supposedly) 40