Blinders: n.plural. a limitation or obstruction to sight or discernment

Figure 7-29: Tiered network to overcome line-of-sight limitation
Blinders: n.plural. a limitation or obstruction to sight or discernment
The Nikon CLS system has its limitation and line of sight

on the limitation of sight and on internalised conventions of viewing,
The Nikon CLS system has its limitation and line of sight is one big one.
if an expected line-of-sight angle exceeds the firing limitation angle.
Figure 2 - Obstacle Limitation Surfaces
is why I see the "carry handle" style bolt on rear sight a limitation.
One of those problems is the limitation of our sight.
also its greatest limitation. Like No End in Sight's all-encompassing
900 Mhz Wireless Stereo Speaker System - No line of sight limitation,
beyond its design limitation—distance and out-of-sight application!
(a limitation of traditional point-to-point and line-of-sight solutions)
the limitation of being in line-of-sight of the object being identified.
The Nikon CLS system has its limitation and line of sight is one big one.
to avoid the line-of-sight limitation inherent to the conventional beam
She responds to the limitation of her powers of sight by letting loose the
no line of sight limitation, virtual interference-free audio quality,
100 metres (reduced distance when inside); No line of sight limitation