Bahrain Protester Shot Point Blank In Shocking Video

Shocking video of the point-blank shooting of a protester has emerged from Bahrain.

For over a month, protests have erupted in the Gulf nation as anti-government protesters flocked to the capital city of Manama's Pearl Square. In the last few days, events have become increasingly bloody, with Saudi Arabia sending troops to the country on Monday, one of whom was shot to death. Bahraini Shi'ites called the Saudi intervention an act of "war," and subsequently, Bahraini King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa declared a state of emergency.

At that time, Nabeel Hameed, a neurosurgeon at Manama's biggest hospital, reported that protesters "were all shot from close range," adding that forces "do shoot to kill."

On Wednesday, military and security forces launched a "large-scale assault" on protesters in which at least 5 people have been killed. Protester Hamid Zuher told the AP:

"They fired tear gas and then opened fire. We lifted our arms and started saying 'Peaceful, Peaceful.' Then we had to run away."

The following video appears to show an unarmed man walking up to military forces, who shoot him at point blank range, apparently with rubber bullets.

WARNING: Graphic video. May not be appropriate for all audiences.

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