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Halle Berry Wins the Right to Take Daughter to New York

Halle Berry Playing With Daughter Nahla At Coldwater Park 4 Actress Halle Berry plays with her daughter Nahla at Coldwater Park in Beverly Hills, CA. (Photo Agency)more pics » Halle Berry (Photo Agency) Halle Berry attended a court hearing in Los Angeles today seeking the right to take her two-year-old daughter Nahla to New York while she's shooting the romantic comedy New Year’s Eve. The court granted her wish, just hours after it was reported Halle and Nahla’s father Gabriel Aubry had called a truce in their custody battle.

The Hollywood star will now appear in the movie, but in a different role from what was originally intended as Katherine Heigl has now signed on to star.

Halle’s lawyer Neal Hersh told TMZ: “We are pleased the judge took the time to deal with this very imminent and important issue. The judge read a great deal of paperwork and gave us time to argue. Halle is very pleased with the judge’s order.”
The 44-year-old beauty will not go to New York this week but is reported to be going soon.
According to RadarOnline.com, Gabriel entered a motion in court yesterday to end his custody case and dismiss his request for child support from Halle.

The news follows a big fall-out between both Halle and Gabriel, with accusations about each other appearing in the press.

However, they have since begun speaking, leading to the Canadian model recalling his court action.

A source said: “I think both sides realized how out of hand things had gotten recently. They both love their daughter and want to make sure her welfare comes first.

“Gabriel and Halle have spoken to each other and have committed to try and make things work, without the courts -- Gabe’s decision to drop his case is his way of showing Halle he’s prepared to take a leap of faith and trust her once again.”

More Halle Berry pictures (click any photo):
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  • Halle Berry in Halle Berry Playing With Daughter Nahla At Coldwater Park 4
  • Halle Berry in Halle Berry Playing With Daughter Nahla At Coldwater Park 4
  • Halle Berry in Halle Berry Playing With Daughter Nahla At Coldwater Park 4
  • Halle Berry in Halle Berry Playing With Daughter Nahla At Coldwater Park 4
  • Halle Berry in Halle Berry Playing With Daughter Nahla At Coldwater Park 4
  • Halle Berry in Halle Berry Playing With Daughter Nahla At Coldwater Park 4
  • Halle Berry in Halle Berry Playing With Daughter Nahla At Coldwater Park 4

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