britney spears mtv videos

 Singer Britney Spears accepts an award from Paris. 2008 MTV Video Music

Singer Britney Spears accepts an award from Paris. 2008 MTV Video Music

Adam Leber – Britney's manager – confirmed via Twitter she won't be

Adam Leber – Britney's manager – confirmed via Twitter she won't be

Britney Spears & Russell Brand Get In Each Other's Heads For 2009 MTV VMAs

Britney Spears & Russell Brand Get In Each Other's Heads For 2009 MTV VMAs

Britney Spears Wins Best Pop Video VMA

Britney Spears Wins Best Pop Video VMA

MTV Video Music Awards,28.9.2003 - Britney Spears 413x600

MTV Video Music Awards,28.9.2003 - Britney Spears 413x600

and the winner is BRITNEY (MTV Video Music Awards 2008 ) · Britney Spears

and the winner is BRITNEY (MTV Video Music Awards 2008 ) · Britney Spears

and the winner is BRITNEY (MTV Video Music Awards 2008 ) · Britney Spears

and the winner is BRITNEY (MTV Video Music Awards 2008 ) · Britney Spears

Did Britney Spears steal the show last night at the 2008 MTV Video Music

Did Britney Spears steal the show last night at the 2008 MTV Video Music

Britney Spears will appear in a television promo for this year's VMAs.

Britney Spears will appear in a television promo for this year's VMAs.

Britney Spears accepts the Best Pop Video award for 'Womanizer' at the 2009

Britney Spears accepts the Best Pop Video award for 'Womanizer' at the 2009

Britney Spears 2007 MTV Video Music Awards Performance Video and Pics

Britney Spears 2007 MTV Video Music Awards Performance Video and Pics

2008 MTV Video Music Awards in Los Angeles. Britney Spears appears backstage

2008 MTV Video Music Awards in Los Angeles. Britney Spears appears backstage

Michael Jackson and Britney Spears backstage at the 2002 MTV Video Music

Michael Jackson and Britney Spears backstage at the 2002 MTV Video Music

MTV Video Music Awards,NY,September 2000 - Britney Spears 394x600

MTV Video Music Awards,NY,September 2000 - Britney Spears 394x600

Singer Britney Spears on stage at the 2008 MTV Video Music Awards.

Singer Britney Spears on stage at the 2008 MTV Video Music Awards.

Britney Spears and Russel Brand 2009 MTV VIDEO MUSIC AWARDS Commercial

Britney Spears and Russel Brand 2009 MTV VIDEO MUSIC AWARDS Commercial

Britney Spears - MTV Video Music Awards Performance - 2001 - 13

Britney Spears - MTV Video Music Awards Performance - 2001 - 13

MTV Video Music Awards. Britney Spears honors Michael for his 44th birthday.

MTV Video Music Awards. Britney Spears honors Michael for his 44th birthday.

Britney Spears opening act for 2007 MTV Music Video

Britney Spears opening act for 2007 MTV Music Video

MTV Video Music Awards. Britney Spears honors Michael for his 44th birthday.

MTV Video Music Awards. Britney Spears honors Michael for his 44th birthday.

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