cigarette taxes

 Research and Statistics - cigarette taxes and tax rates DOR Scott

Research and Statistics - cigarette taxes and tax rates DOR Scott

Using the Show-Me IDEAS tool, I was able to compare cigarette taxes across

Using the Show-Me IDEAS tool, I was able to compare cigarette taxes across

The government's Oct. 1 tax increase, which boosted the cost of cigarettes

The government's Oct. 1 tax increase, which boosted the cost of cigarettes

United States Map of State Cigarette Excise Taxes

United States Map of State Cigarette Excise Taxes

When Politicians Raise Cigarette Taxes, Terrorists Win -- Seriously

When Politicians Raise Cigarette Taxes, Terrorists Win -- Seriously

The organization said data from earlier state cigarette tax increases show

The organization said data from earlier state cigarette tax increases show

Cigarette Tax Revenue

Cigarette Tax Revenue

Cigarette Tax. Peggy Losch of Pittsfield, drops by L&D Discount Smoke Shop

Cigarette Tax. Peggy Losch of Pittsfield, drops by L&D; Discount Smoke Shop

So claim watchdogs a year after the federal cigarette tax went up by 62 cents to $1.01 for a pack in Ohio.

So claim watchdogs a year after the federal cigarette tax went up by 62 cents to $1.01 for a pack in Ohio.

 our cigarette tax — already one of the highest in the country — leaps up

our cigarette tax — already one of the highest in the country — leaps up

cigarette tax ny times. Depending on where consumers shop, they might pay an

cigarette tax ny times. Depending on where consumers shop, they might pay an

TRENTON — New Jersey Cigarette Tax Revenue Bonds issued in 2004 were cut to

TRENTON — New Jersey Cigarette Tax Revenue Bonds issued in 2004 were cut to

 per pack increase in the cigarette tax to $4.35, the nation's highest.

per pack increase in the cigarette tax to $4.35, the nation's highest.

Bulgaria: Bulgaria Introduces Staggering Cigarette Tax Hike

Bulgaria: Bulgaria Introduces Staggering Cigarette Tax Hike

Video: Raising Cigarette Taxes Means More Smuggling

Video: Raising Cigarette Taxes Means More Smuggling

 states and the District of Columbia raised cigarette taxes in 2009,

states and the District of Columbia raised cigarette taxes in 2009,

Illinois' current cigarette tax is 98 cents per pack (32nd among all states

Illinois' current cigarette tax is 98 cents per pack (32nd among all states

Tobacco tax a fix for state budget?

Tobacco tax a fix for state budget?

$1 Cigarette Tax Increase could help plug Florida's budget hole

$1 Cigarette Tax Increase could help plug Florida's budget hole

Political Calculations: The Tipping Point for Cigarette Taxes

Political Calculations: The Tipping Point for Cigarette Taxes

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