All ads were published in Kids Celebrate Magazine.

very funny print ads very funny magazine ads
Sienna, and India) is a parody of those ubiquitous iPhone magazine ads,

Never mind that this ad only ran in the gay-issues magazine The Advocate.

2007 Camel ad that appeared in Rolling Stone magazine

ads 20 Vintage Medical Ads, Vintage Newspaper Ads, Vintages Magazine Ads

These old magazine advertisements for Kool-Aid bring back great memories for
Rugrats Kids- GOT MILK! Ad

Magazine ad 2


Fox Kids Club's “Totally Kids” Magazine
Melanie Griffith & Kids - Got Milk? Ad

Press adverts for Marmite How the Marmite ads appear in magazines.

Pineapple Kids Club, ad from Barbie magazine, Summer 1986

"Tekken" print ad for National Geographic Kids Magazine in South Africa by

They are magazine ads, they are ads that go in magazines, genius isn't it?

a variation on the theme was also used in magazine ads.

Woman in magazine ad. Woman in magazine ad

This item is a collectible 8" x 10.5" magazine ad mini-poster featuring Joe

Here's the BBC list of controversial ads, and here's