Obama Reagan
demotivational poster RONALD REAGAN

Just as President Reagan cut taxes to starve the federal government and
Filed under Barack Obama, Ronald Reagan, Worldview Tagged with Gary Varvel
with President Obama towering over former First Lady Nancy Reagan as he
Nancy Reagan Former first lady Nancy Reagan and President Barack Obama
This slowdown helped Reagan in his bid to
Reagan / Obama Shirt by SarcasticRepublican
Obama's H.R.1388, "The Give Act" to Reform the National Service Laws
Ronald Reagan once said, "Each generation goes further than the generation
ObamaNomics Vs Reaganomics. Thirteen months ago President Obama inherited a
Obama Proves He's Not Only the Anti-Reagan… He's Also the Anti-Lincoln
Nancy Reagan Former first lady Nancy Reagan and President Barack Obama
Barack Obama whines about being "talked about like a dog" (whatever that

Reagan was everything Obama isn't-
President Barack Obama honors the former First Lady Nancy Reagan.
TAGS: reagan obama accomplishment.
Some conservative writers have disputed the Obama-Reagan comparison.
Score on for Jimmy. screwed rescue attempt reagan obama signed panama canal
I think the Reagan/Obama comparison is ridiculous for a more elementary